12:00am - 1:00am

Sleeping Dogs Lie

[Repeated from Sunday 3.30am.] Ambient music selected by Miguel Santos to help night owls relax. For more information visit Sleeping Dogs Lie on FacebookMixcloud and WhitelabelRecs Bandcamp.

1:00am - 2:30am

Bad Punk

[Repeated from Friday 10pm.] Hosted by Johny Brown and Band Of Holy Joy. For more information visit johny.co.uk, contact badpunkradio@gmail.com.

2:30am - 4:00am

Day For Night

A selection of recent highlights, archival surprises, programmes that deserve a repeat and those that slipped through the net, taking you through from the wee hours to breakfast. With occasional forays into the Resonance Extra programme of new music and sound art - and further afield.

4:00am - 5:00am

Waste Land Receiver

[Repeated from Saturday 5.30pm.] An hour of alternative, folk, and indie music plus discussion hosted by Robert Quinn. Borrowing its title from T.S. Eliot’s 1922 poem, Waste Land Receiver sends a message to and from the void through music with consideration of the poem’s themes of despair, lack of humanity, and fragmentation with a will for its alternative.

5:00am - 6:00am

MSCTY Radio Tokyo

[Repeated from Saturday 9.30pm.] Travel to Japan with Nick Luscombe and James Greer as they explore the sound of Tokyo. For more information visit www.mscty.space.

6:00am - 7:00am

Shoot The Breeze

[Repeated from Friday 7pm.] A talk show dedicated to films and television shows, presented by Marcus Ako and David Campbell. Visit STB's Facebook page for more information. Visit Instagram @ShootTheBreezeShow and X @STB_ResonanceFM.

9:00am - 10:00am

The News Agents

[Repeated from Saturday 3pm.] Experiments in international news and arts with Jude Montague. For more information see thenewsagents.blogspot.co.uk.

10:00am - 11:00am

Clear Spot

[Repeated from 8pm the previous weeknight.] One off, irregular and sometimes surprise broadcasts.

11:00am - 11:30am

Little Atoms

A talk show about ideas and culture, produced and presented by Neil Denny. Each show features guests from the worlds of science or the arts in conversation. Visit littleatoms.com for more information. Tweet to @littleatoms. Contact littleatomspodcast@gmail.com. [Repeats Saturday 9am.]

11:30am - 12:00pm

Micro Clear Spot

Shorter specials and one-off programmes. [Repeats Thursday 2pm.]

12:00pm - 1:00pm

The Traditional Music Hour

[Repeated from Thursday 2pm.] Kevin Sheils presents an informed and judicious selection of recordings of traditional musics from Britain, Ireland and occasionally further afield.

1:00pm - 2:00pm

Calling All Pensioners

Magazine programme with Tim Hamilton, addressing issues which affect pensioners across London. Produced by Deptford Action Group for the Elderly. [Repeats Sunday 2pm.]

2:00pm - 3:00pm

The Sampler Mixtape

[Repeated from Friday 12 Noon.] A weekly mixtape of eclectic new music from Sound and Music. For more information and complete tracklist visit www.thesampler.org or follow us @samplernews.

3:00pm - 4:00pm

Working To Work

A neurodivergent journey through employment, hosted by Samuel Robinson. Visit youtube.com/@workingtowork for more information. [Repeats Friday 6am.]

4:00pm - 5:00pm

Radio Ecoshock

[Repeated from Friday 9am.] Global environmental news with Alex Smith. Visit ecoshock.org/ for more information. Contact radio@ecoshock.org.

5:00pm - 6:00pm

Isolation Vacation

Embark on a journey with the Spencer family as they go on a musical holiday to all four corners of the world. [Repeats Thursday 3.30pm.]

6:00pm - 6:30pm

Gate Kicks

[Repeated from Wednesday 1pm.] Introduced by DJ Ritchie Rich, multi-instrumentalist Duane aka Mr Amazing, and singer Labake Anisere, and produced by people with learning disabilities at the Gate Arts Centre, Gate Kicks covers art, music, dance, film, theatre and offers a hub where this truly underground art scene is exposed to a larger audience.

6:30pm - 7:00pm

Nunhead American Radio

A programme for the American community in Nunhead, south east London, presented by New York comic Lewis Schaffer. For more information visit @NunheadRadio on X and Nunhead American Radio on Facebook. [Repeats Saturday 9.30am.]

7:00pm - 8:00pm

One Life Left

An hour-long celebration of everything that's great about videogames. Hosted by Ste Curran and Simon Byron, the show features the latest news, reviews and gossip from the world of gaming, usually with a studio guest. You don't need to be a gaming expert to appreciate the show - One Life Left offers something for everyone, whether you are a hardcore League of Legends player or someone who's occasionally loaded up Candy Crush. Visit onelifeleft.com for more information. [Repeats Saturday 10am.]

8:00pm - 9:00pm

Art Monthly Talk Show

An audio supplement to Art Monthly magazine, broadcast on the second Monday of each month. [Repeats Tuesday 10am.]

9:00pm - 10:00pm

The Naked Short Club

Dr. Stu and his expert guests dance around alternative investments, markets, the economy and wider world. [Repeats Thursday 9am.]

10:00pm - 11:00pm

Listening With

Cameron Randall invites you to 'listen with' as he navigates and constructs environments that border both the imaginary and the concrete. To see more of Cameron's work visit www.cameronrandall.com. [Repeated Saturday 12.30am.]

11:00pm - 12:00am

Devil's Dancers

An episodic history of synthesized sounds with Nina Kehagia, broadcast monthly. Email hello@ninakeh.com. Instagram @ninakeh. [Repeats Saturday 1.30am.]

12:00am - 1:00am

A Duck in a Tree

[Repeated from Saturday 7pm.] The :zoviet * france: radio show.